Best fortnite keybinds for building mac
Best fortnite keybinds for building mac

best fortnite keybinds for building mac best fortnite keybinds for building mac

This is TSM Myth Fortnite Keybinds or Key Bindings. Type Name Key Movement Move Forward W Move Left A Move Backward S Move Right D Jump SpaceBar Sprint Left Shift Crouch C Use E Combat Fire Left Mouse Button Target Right Mouse Button Reload R Harvesting Tool 1 Weapon Slot 1 2 Weapon Slot 2 3 Weapon Slot 3 4 Weapon Slot 4 Z Weapon Slot 5 X Toggle Pick Axe L Trap 5 Building Wall Mouse Button 4 Floor Q Stairs Mouse Button 5 Roof ~ Repair Building F Rotate Building R Change Material Right Mouse Button Building Edit G This is Ninja’s Fortnite Keybinds. Ninja aka Tyler Blevins is the most popular Fortnite player currently in this universe. Best Fortnite KeybindsĪction Input Jump Space Bar Use E Crouch C Trap Equip/Picker T Harvesting Tool 1 Weapon Slot 1 2 Weapon Slot 2 3 Weapon Slot 3 4 Weapon Slot 4 Z Weapon Slot 5 X Switch Quickbar n/a Building Slot 1 (Wall) Q Building Slot 2 (Platform) ~ (Bound to Mouse Thumb Button 4) Building Slot 3 (Stairs) F Building Slot 4 (Roof) V Trap Slot F5 Map Mouse Thumb Button 5 Inventory I Ninja Fortnite Keybinds/Key Bindings Please check them all before finalizing on your fortnite key bindings.


We also mentioned all the professional players such as Ninja, Myth, Tfue, Dakotaz and more. This is the best fortnite keybinds or Key Bindings that worked for our team so we have posted this here. Best Fortnite Keybinds/Key Bindings Guide (Ninja, Myth, Tfue and Many More)

Best fortnite keybinds for building mac